Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week 8 EOC:

While riding on the back of this gigantic elephant, I decided that I wanted a taste of some illegal alcohol. I know it sounded so scandalous, but I truly couldn't help myself. So I went over and asked a cute local girl named Divya, whom was very fluent in both English and Hindi. Well I had asked her if she knew of any good alcohols, she said no but that she could ask the wise old man down the way. So she kept her word and came back and told me of an interesting drink, Tharra. She told me I should join the men down the way, which they would love a great story of an adventure man who is traveling around the world in eighty days. So I scurried as quickly as I could to catch up with these peculiar men who had the most interesting of footwear, barefoot men is what I was surrounded by. Little did I know I would be so intoxicated that I’d end up as barefoot as them. This home brewed alcohol was quite strong! Yet it was quite good at the first sip but by the third sip I was seeing doubles of every shade. That was when this intriguing barefooted man who was old and grey handed me this very beautifully colored package of deliciousness. As I opened it, my alcoholic binge was put to a stand still for this savory smell filled the air around me, smacking me out of my doubled daze. So I broke off a piece of this large sensationally great smelling pretzel and took a bite, before I knew it my pallet was filled with joy. The next thing I noticed my pretzel was suddenly gone. Oh, my head began to spin as the last flavor to taste was sitting on the tips of my fingers, oh how that pretzel made me feel as though I was the barefooted grey haired wise man, oh how I wished I could be him at that very moment. I wanted to live in this delicious life forever. This pretzel is truly one of a kind. So before I left on my way to finish off my remaining 67 days I couldn't help but splurge on over 126 dollars’, so whether you have the money or not it is worth the spanging of change for this is heavenly goodness that belongs to such a unique pretzel.

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